Jess Gately is a freelance publishing professional specialising in structural editing for speculative fiction. She tutors at Curtin University, is the President of Editors WA (a branch of the Institute of Professional Editors), sits on the Board for the Small Press Network of Australia, and has worked for a number of literary organisations and publishers as well as having been a judge for the Aurealis Awards since 2019. Her master’s thesis explored the process of editing a work of speculative fiction that utilises fictional languages. Jess is passionate about working with emerging Australian writers and editors.
In the 70th episode of the HYBRID Author podcast host Joanne Morrell, author of children’s and young adult fiction and short non fiction for authors, chats to Jess about:
- repeat structural editing errors
- editing processes
- story structure, character progression
- self editing tips, first drafts and much more.