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Writing Graphic Novels for Kids With Joel McKerrow

Joel McKerrow is an award winning writer, keynote speaker, creativity specialist, children’s author, educator and, having performed for hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world, is one of Australia’s most successful internationally touring, performance poets.

In the 113th episode of The HYBRID Author podcast host Joanne Morrell, author of children’s and young adult fiction, women’s fiction and short non fiction for authors chats to Joel about:

  • his first Junior Fiction/Graphic novel Urban Legend hunters: the dreaded mr snipe, due for release with Larrikin House publishers in early 2024
  • whether you need to be a visual person to write graphic novels
  • his advice to authors looking to write in this genre and score a traditional publishing deal and much more.

This episode is brought to you by Atmosphere Press, a hybrid publisher helping authors publish books their readers will love.

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