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Publishing to a Professional Standard with Publisher and Editor Bernadette Foley

For 30 years, Bernadette Foley has worked in-house and freelance for many of Australia’s leading publishing companies, including in the role of fiction and non-fiction publisher at Hachette Australia and Pan Macmillan.

Since 2015, she’s run Broadcast Books, working directly with writers, assisting and encouraging them to develop their writing skills through individual mentoring and workshops. As well, as working with authors to publish their books independently to a professional standard.

In the 116th episode of The HYBRID Author Podcast host Joanne Morrell, author of children’s and young adult fiction, women’s fiction and short non fiction for authors chats to Bernadette about:

  • working with industry professionals to publish your book to a professional standard
  • using your strengths and working within your constraints when money isn’t permitted
  • copyright
  • Bernadette’s time and lessons learned in traditional publishing
  • aswell as sharing her tips for self published authors.


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