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Author Fears and how to Overcome Them (AudioBook)


How many times have you said ‘your writing’s crap’ or shied away from calling yourself an author?
Take comfort in knowing your author fears are valid, other writers feel the same way you do but are not letting fear stop them from putting themselves out there.
We are all feeling the fear, but doing what we love anyway.
And you can too.

Author Fears and how to Overcome Them (AudioBook)



Since starting to write your novel, have you developed any of these author fears below? 

Are you using them as reasons not to advance in your writing career?

This book touches upon:

Confidence Fears 

  • Comparisonitis 
  • Exposing Yourself
  • Your Life Will Change 
  • Lacking Motivation 
  • Feeling Like a Fraud 
  • Inadequacy 
  • Being Judged by Others 
  • Looking Stupid 
  • You Will Never Make it as an Author

Genre Fears 

  • Children’s Fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Horror
  • Memoir
  • Non Fiction
  • Romance

Mental Health in Writers 

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression

Self Doubt 

  • People Will Laugh at Me
  • People Will Talk About me 
  • Becoming Overly Successful 
  • Wasting time in an Unknown Future 
  • Who cares About My Book 
  • Who am I too Write a Book?

Craft Fears 

  • Criticism
  • Defamation 
  • My Book is too Short 
  • Lack of Talent 
  • Originality
  • Plagiarism 
  • Being Rejected 
  • Running out of Ideas
  • Self Publishing Snobbery

Physical Fears 

  • Money 
  • Unsupportive People 
  • Responsibilities 
  • Time

Please Be Advised

This book is not a medical book. It does not offer medical or psychological advice. It will, however, make you realise some of what you are feeling on your author adventure is normal, natural and a perfectly healthy part of the process all writers endure at any given stage of their writing career.


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